Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 430

Chapter 430


Chapter 430: Not a Good Thing


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The three women worked with swift hands, and in no time, two large pots of braised pigs feet and a large pot of pigs innards were cleaned and ready. Gu Zi, however, noticed something amiss. Didnt they deliver the pigs head? she asked. The pigs head is the most important part of making braised meat.

The towns shop was set to open on New Years Day. In the meantime, Mother

Lin and Li Hua planned to sell braised meat at a street stall to test the market and spread the word. They would also sell breakfast during the village market days, at the very spot where Gu Zi used to set up her stall.

As for Gu Zi herself, she intended to spend this time helping her sister-in-law settle some matters, ensuring the smooth operation of the shop once it opened in town.

Once the New Year festivities were over and school started, she would have to put business matters aside. She would be busy taking care of her child and preparing for her exams. Therefore, she was determined to address any issues as they arose, leaving no room for lingering problems.

Li Hua and Mother Lin put the pigs feet into the pot of braising spices. Li Hua looked troubled as she said, Your brother came back earlier and said that pigs heads dont fetch much money. So, the workers usually cook them for themselves as a side dish with drinks. Its not very tasty, but its better than pigs innards, and its filling without costing anything. Some workers even take the pigs heads home. Today, there were no pigs heads left, and your brother didnt say anything.

Gu Zi nodded in understanding. I see. Knowing the problem makes it easier to address. Lets sell these for now, but Ill discuss with Su Shen and ask him to keep the pigs heads in the future.

The workers had taken them in the past, but now that the Lin family was starting a business, the pigs heads, feet, and innards were all essential ingredients. They were part of the pig farms supplies, and there was no reason to let the farm workers take the pigs heads for free, especially when Su Shen was paying them wages. She decided to discuss this matter with Su Shen that night.

Li Hua, worried that this might strain relations and affect the pig farms operations, tried to dissuade Gu Zi. We dont need to keep all the pigs heads, and we might not even be able to use that many. We shouldnt offend the workers over this. 

Mother Lin, concerned about the potential impact on her son-in-laws pig farm, also chimed in. Yes, we could just keep a few each day. That should be enough for selling.

Gu Zi shook her head, considering her words before she spoke. Its not entirely about whether we have enough to sell or not. Its too early to tell if we have enough now, but what if we dont have enough when the shop opens? Do we deal with this issue then?

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. Moreover, everyone knows that Su Shen is generous with his employees. If we allow them to take things that could be sold from the pig farm for free, were spoiling them. Thats not a good thing.

She paused again, her gaze steady and serious.

We didnt need these hard-to-sell parts before, but now that were using them for business, we cant let the employees take them for free. There must be rules.

She took a deep breath before delivering her next point.

If not allowing the employees to take pig heads will offend some of them, then theres no need to keep these employees. Dont worry, Mother, Sister-in-law, losing a few people wont affect the normal operation of the pig farm. She paused, her tone firm and resolute.

Besides, you both know that when you ask Su Shen for goods, you insist on paying him for the materials. I know about this. Youre not taking them for free, so its only right that Su Shen settles accounts with his employees.

As Gu Zi spoke, she felt more certain that this issue needed to be addressed. It was also a good opportunity to weed out any troublemakers in the pig farm.

Of course, Gu Zi wouldnt interfere forcefully. She would only suggest to Su Shen. Perhaps he had not been petty before, but once he calculated, he should realize that this was not a good situation.

Upon hearing Gu Zis words, Li Hua and Mother Lin agreed with her reasoning.

They had been advising Gu Zi mainly out of concern for Su Shens pig farm. Now that Gu Zi had explained her stance, they had no more worries.

As they spoke, all the ingredients were added to the stew pot. Two large pots were simmering together, filling the room with the delicious aroma of spices and meat. Gu Zi found herself salivating at the smell. She felt that her first year in this world would definitely be a prosperous one!

Gu Zi then remembered the oddity she had noticed when she first arrived. She asked Mother Lin, Mother, besides the issue with Lin Jie, have you been hearing a lot of gossip lately?

Gu Zi recalled that during her previous visits, there were always a few villagers chatting with her mother or sister-in-law outside the red-brick house. Today, however, the area outside the house was eerily quiet. There wasnt even a passerby on the road. It was as if everyone was deliberately avoiding the house, which was very strange..

